Friday, March 14, 2014

Why is that cyclist in the middle of the road!?

Ah, the joys of winter. Big piles of snow at the edge of the road, salt and slush everywhere. Snow filled bike lanes force cyclists into regular lanes, easy pickings for the impatient motorist. Isn't it spring time yet?
No bike lanes here.
You can see the slush beside the snow bank that extends well into the travel lane, leaving a very narrow clear portion. Any cyclist travelling this way would be wise to take the lane, as the remaining space is not enough to safely share with a car. Winter cyclists like to ride in the middle of the lane anyway, in the tire tracks, since that is where the road is clearest, and it is the safest place to be.

Last year there was a proposal for a "winter cycling network" floating around, but apparently that didn't go anywhere. A lot more consideration for cyclists during the winter is needed from the city.

My new nemesis?
The people who park in the bike lanes don't help with the snow removal either.

1 comment:

  1. Bike lanes should all be cleared & maintained during winter months if both the roads, and the sidewalks are. It's just laziness and the refusal to change the current system until a lot more people die & get injured
